Celebrate life

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

following instructions

here's the tea cosy I knitted, with the help of my friend, and experienced knitter, Sue:

I arranged it just so to show the 'good' side. The 'less good' side, the first side I made, is facing away.

It has mistakes in it because I didn't follow the instructions, I thought that they must be wrong, they didn't make sense, I could work it out better.

Turns out, I followed MY rules and got into a pickle.

Sue unpicked and revised and offered sage advice: follow the instructions. They are there for a reason. They work.

We're moving through 1 Peter in church and on a Post-It note I have this:

Love one another deeply, from the heart 
(1 Peter 1:22, NIV)

Peter's instructions to a displaced people in a foreign land are there for a reason. They work.

I'm making a note to self to follow the instructions.

And I am very proud of my little tea cosy.

Sunday, 19 February 2012


The earth is the Lord's.and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it

Psalm 24 v1, NIV

Friday, 17 February 2012

14 years ago today

my boy, my firstborn, came into the world in dramatic fashion at 02:22, and we became a family.

By the time this photo was taken (on our old, non-digital camera), when he was about 12 hours old, he'd already had his first scan to check his kidneys were working (they were fine). I remember praying so hard to our Father in heaven that he would be OK. Making deals with God: 'I promise I'll be good if you take care of my boy'.

And now, he's almost the same height as me, his voice has broken, and he's started shaving once in a while. He is welded to his iThing, texts like a dynamo and teases his little brother a lot.

How did that happen?

Sunday, 12 February 2012

winter sparkles

After what feels like months of unremitting leaden skies, yesterday we had a treat.

The sun shone, all day, and it was COLD.

Buds are coming

It was a jewel of a day.

Saturday, 4 February 2012


Winter has been baring her teeth this week, with an east wind blowing in cold air all the way from Siberia.

My part of town has some delightfully bonkers inhabitants. Some kind soul clearly felt this tree was in need of a bit of warmth and comfort, and knitted it a little jacket.

Gentle hearts rule.