Celebrate life

Thursday, 29 March 2012

spring forward

The clocks go forward to British Summer Time and all of a sudden Spring comes hurtling,
pell-mell, into full view.

All the flowers have gone a bit doolally this week, bursting out all over the place:

We've had a week of unbroken sunshine. I'm a glass half-empty girl, convinced that all this sunshine now will use up our miserly quota for the year and there won't be any left for Summer.

Husband (glass half-full) says it's like tossing a coin - just because the first 99 times are heads, doesn't mean the 100th one will be. Sunshine now doesn't necessarily mean no sunshine for Summer. We'll see.

It's been warm enough to eat outside, almost unheard of in March.

my glorious friend Sue and I catching some rays yesterday lunchtime

I'd love to say this is my back garden, but it isn't:

my youngest, doing what boys do best

Thank you, my Lord, for a beautiful day.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

spring, suspended


Just as I was getting used to brighter days and a little more colour, it turned foggy.

This is what I walked to work in:

It was a real pea-souper today, and spookily quiet. And the air was thick with water vapour.

A fellow pedestrian and I made each other jump when we both appeared out of the gloom - with no visibility and sounds all muffled, we simply didn't see the other one.

I thought I'd left Winter behind. I'm missing the bright colours of Spring. I've had enough of the grey.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

spring will come again

All the cheerful Spring flowers are coming out and I've been stocking up on the '2 for 1' offers at the supermarket.

I love the primary colours and the waxy petals and the 'look at me!' quality of daffodils

At this time of year, I start to crave a little more light at the beginning and end of the day, and to see the sun reach a bit higher in the sky.

10 years ago, when our world went dark, we went to church on that strange Sunday between Christmas and New Year. One of our church family gave us a card with daffodils and tulips on the front, and inside she had written:

'Spring will come again'

The world does keep turning and darkness is always followed by light. I'm not sure I could see it or believe it that year. And I don't think I even wanted it to change, not then.

I didn't want the world to turn and move us all forward into Spring. I wanted time to go backwards, back to Advent, when I was happy and certain.

Spring will come again, as it does every year, and every year I am thankful for what Spring brings. I'm grateful for the brightness and the flowers bursting out everywhere. And, still, I wish things had been different.