Celebrate life

Saturday, 26 November 2011

those babies

Sometimes I help out in the creche at church. Now, my days of having babies are long gone, and as they get older my boys are less keen on being swooped on for a spontaneous bit of love and affection. But even so, a little part of me craves holding a wriggly baby. For a long time, I resisted this urge to cuddle a 3-month old, or to soothe a grumpy baby who would much rather be with his mummy than me. I wasn't sure how much cuddling was allowed, these babies not being my own. When I watched the other helpers (most of us are mums, and there are even a few dads) it was obvious that it was completely FINE to cuddle and hug as much as was needed. There is no limit to loving others.

So now I don't hold back. For the short time I'm with the babies I just cuddle and love them as much as they need. And drop lots of kisses on their heads. And yes, a little bit of my need for cuddles gets met too.

And that's not a bad thing.

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