Celebrate life

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

following instructions

here's the tea cosy I knitted, with the help of my friend, and experienced knitter, Sue:

I arranged it just so to show the 'good' side. The 'less good' side, the first side I made, is facing away.

It has mistakes in it because I didn't follow the instructions, I thought that they must be wrong, they didn't make sense, I could work it out better.

Turns out, I followed MY rules and got into a pickle.

Sue unpicked and revised and offered sage advice: follow the instructions. They are there for a reason. They work.

We're moving through 1 Peter in church and on a Post-It note I have this:

Love one another deeply, from the heart 
(1 Peter 1:22, NIV)

Peter's instructions to a displaced people in a foreign land are there for a reason. They work.

I'm making a note to self to follow the instructions.

And I am very proud of my little tea cosy.


  1. I should say so! I am glad you stopped by Behind the Gate. I too love enjoying the small things. Love the scripture this week you posted! I hope you will come again soon for a visit.
    Gayle from Behind the Gate

  2. i'm proud of you, too! i've only ever knitted a scarf, and that was ages ago (AND i never figured out how to cast it off the needles!) so your tea cosy is quite an accomplishment, in my opinion. love the verse, too... it says it all, doesn't it?

    (had to laugh at your delayed reaction to my "back to the fuchsia" pun ;)

  3. Sometimes I miss what is so obvious to others, like following instructions! Your tea cosy is lovely. I don't have one and I am a tea drinker. I know! I plan to get one when we travel back to England in May. I so appreciate all of your kind comments and inspiring thoughts on Redemptions Beauty. It is a privilege to have you part of the community.
