Celebrate life

Thursday, 15 March 2012

spring, suspended


Just as I was getting used to brighter days and a little more colour, it turned foggy.

This is what I walked to work in:

It was a real pea-souper today, and spookily quiet. And the air was thick with water vapour.

A fellow pedestrian and I made each other jump when we both appeared out of the gloom - with no visibility and sounds all muffled, we simply didn't see the other one.

I thought I'd left Winter behind. I'm missing the bright colours of Spring. I've had enough of the grey.


  1. Oh, dear... I wish I could send you some of our warmth and sun. We are getting entirely too much of it, for March. We need some of your cool and misty days!

  2. Magníficas fotos. Un abrazo desde Murcia..seguimos...
